Bank Holiday News

We've had a grey and wet start to the year but there is light on the horizon and summer will come soon.

With this in mind what better to show you than, Light On The Sea, by Richard Taylor-Jones. This single edition photograph is part of a series of 14 unique images taken over the course of a single morning as the rising sun broke its way through a dense, grey sea fog. The series formed a sold out exhibition in 2016 and we're delighted to have one of these rarities come up for sale in the gallery this month. A bit of hope for the grey lifting and sun shining.....

Light On The Sea, Richard Taylor-Jones. Single Edition Photograph, 127 x 66cm framed


So now we move from light to dark and Loren Beven's Ghost Ship. Based on the legend of the schooner the Lady Lovibond, lost on the Goodwin Sands, that is said to appear in spectral form off the coast of Deal every 50 years, the original ghost ship print has now sold out. For those of you who have missed out or would like to expand their collection, this month she is releasing glow in the dark Ghost Ship 2. This time round, she has thought about the many thousands of ships who found their last resting place on the sands and has created a print of more recent, 20th century battleship, that may have met a watery end on the sands.


Ghost Ship 2, Loren Beven. Hand embellished print, 105 x 80cm

And on a final note, if the sun doesn't come out for this bank holiday weekend, this Connor Brothers hand painted paperback sums up our feelings.


Hand Painted vintage paperback, The Connor Brothers, 27 x 21cm


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